Rolls-Royce NA supports Milan’s Mission to end sex trafficking
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars NA has announced their support for Milan’s Mission.
They’ve chosen to showcase Milan’s exclusive 555, Black Coconut & Cashmere Wood candle at select events for the launch of their new Black Badge Ghost.
The release of the Black Badge Ghost and the launch of Milan Candles happened on the same day (11.11.2021), feeling like a universal alignment.
Rolls-Royce reached out to Milan Candles after hearing about the brand during its pre-launch campaign on instagram.
They wanted to choose a scent that would represent the beauty, elegance, and sophistication of the new car - Black Coconut & Cashmere Wood.
Milan Candles has always been inspired by Rolls-Royce so receiving their support and being able to showcase Black Coconut & Cashmere Wood at their events
represents a beautiful milestone on their mission to end sex trafficking.